The Power of Videography: 10 Social Media Strategies for Churches to Grow

by Oct 10, 2023Faith-Based

For churches seeking to expand their reach and connect with a broader audience, leveraging social media and videography effectively is key. In this blog post, we’ll explore the 9 top ways churches can use videography and social media to grow and foster a strong, engaged community.

Post Consistently

Consistency is key when it comes to social media. Regular posting keeps your audience engaged and informed. Create a content calendar that outlines when and what you’ll post, ensuring a steady flow of meaningful content.

To start, try to post 3-4 times a week– it doesn’t have to be every day. Don’t worry about using every social media platform either; start off with posting consistently on just two. Remember, posting once a day is great, but not if it comes at the expense of high quality posts. Fewer posts a week with great content is better than posting low quality content every day.

Don’t Just Post Randomly

To cater to a diverse audience, segment your content into 5-7 categories to cycle through each week. This might include sermons, community outreach, youth ministry, worship sessions, and more. This structure helps viewers see the wide variety of services and events your church has to offer.

This is a great way to start posting intentionally and with a plan, rather than posting something random every day. Your viewers will appreciate the structure and variety of your posts.

Build a Community and Encourage Engagement

Social media is all about community. Encourage discussion, ask questions, post polls, respond to comments, and foster a sense of belonging among your followers. This engagement will keep your audience coming back for more, and potentially visiting your church or attending your events.

How can you get your audience members to interact with your posts? Add a link to your bio that you encourage viewers to click on– this can lead them to your website, your YouTube channel, or a link to sign up for an event. Ask questions in your stories to get feedback and get to know your audience members better (for example, what type of content would you like to see more of?)

When viewers feel like an active part of your church’s online presence, they’re more likely to engage and share your content.

Repurpose Videos of Services and Events

Your church’s worship services and events are great sources of video content waiting to be shared. Film these events, along with interviews and testimonials, to create engaging recap videos for your church family.

To learn more about event recap videos and testimonials, check out our past blog posts:

 Then you can repurpose these videos into short, shareable clips for social media. This allows you to showcase your church’s atmosphere, teachings, and events to a wider audience.

Post Original Content

While jumping on viral trends and using trending audio is valuable, don’t forget to create original content. Rather than posting just to post and trying to go viral, it is much more valuable and effective to post original, useful content for your followers.

Share stories, testimonies, and insights from your congregation. Ask questions to know what your audience wants to know or learn. Post quotes, tips, and teachings to help your followers and give them something of value. Authenticity and relatability go a long way in building trust.

Film Interviews and Events

Take advantage of the power of videography by documenting your church’s events and interviewing members and volunteers. These personal insights give your audience a behind-the-scenes look at your church’s life and mission. 

Event recap videos are a great way to show your congregation, as well as potential new members, what your church has to offer and what it does for its community.

Invest in High Quality Production Value

High-quality production values can make a significant difference in how your church is perceived online. While it might be tempting to handle video production in-house, outsourcing to a specialized company saves you time and resources. A video production company, specifically one that works with churches, will know exactly how to film and edit videos to suit your church’s needs.

A video production company will also come equipped with high-end cameras, lighting, and sound equipment, ensuring that your videos look high quality and professional, and so you don’t have to worry about the technical side, just spreading your church’s message.

Leverage Multiple Platforms

Don’t limit your church to just one social media platform. Utilize platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, YouTube, TikTok, and even newer platforms that may arise. Each has its unique strengths.

Different social media platforms attract distinct user demographics and preferences. By being present on various platforms, you can reach a broader cross-section of your community, ensuring that your message resonates with a diverse audience 

Each platform caters to different types of content as well. While Facebook and Instagram are great for sharing images and short videos, YouTube allows for longer, more in-depth content like sermons or event recordings.

Use Analytics to Measure Success

Finally, regularly check your social media analytics to understand what’s working and what isn’t. This data will help you refine your strategy and make informed decisions for growth.

For example, social media trends evolve rapidly and sometimes daily. By analyzing data, you can stay ahead of these trends and adapt your strategy accordingly.

Analytics can also reveal who your audience is, including their demographics, interests, and behavior. This information helps you tailor your content to better meet their needs and preferences. For instance, if you discover that a significant portion of your audience is interested in youth ministry, you can create more content that speaks to this specific group.


In conclusion, videography and social media are powerful tools that can help churches connect with their congregation and reach a wider audience. By posting consistently, being intentional with content, encouraging engagement, repurposing videos, and more, your church can harness the full potential of these platforms to foster growth and build a stronger online presence. Embrace the power of video and social media, and watch your church thrive while making a meaningful impact in its community.